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Sunday 4 August 2019

List of Diets For The Weight Loss

List Of The Diets For The Weight Loss

List of diets for the weight loss, list of diets for weight loss, list of diets that work, top 12 diets for weight loss
List of diets for the weight loss, list of diets for weight loss, list of diets that work, top 12 diets for weight loss
It is good that you looking to lose weight and be healthy for the rest of your life. But one thing you all should remember that by doing mery exercise you can't lose your weight as everyone's body cannot sustain the excess heat generated while doing exercise and they will not do exercise on daily basis. So it is important to maintain a healthy diet. Now coming to diet also there are a lot of different diets available in the market. But it will depend on you which kind of diet sits to your body the best. This must be examined by yourself. Below are some of the list of best diets that can help you to reduce your fats from the body.

# The New Beverly Hills Diet

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List of diets for the weight loss, list of diets for weight loss, list of diets that work, top 12 diets for weight loss
According to official dietary sources, the "New Beverly Hills Diet" is based upon incorrect theories of digestion. The main assumption of the "New Beverly Hills Diet" is that enzymes found in food "activate" the human body. It says that the enzymes necessary for digestion are found in the foods themselves. Thus it recommends Cautious Combining.

The "New Beverly Hills Diet" says that fruits contain all of the enzymes necessary to break themselves down into nutrients for effective digestion, whereas proteins and carbohydrates require extra enzymes that slow down the process.

The truth of the matter is that the enzymes needed for digestion are found in the body, not in the foods we eat. And furthermore, If foods are not properly digested they cannot be absorbed, and if they are not absorbed, they cannot be converted into fat or anything else! (The "New Beverly Hills Diet" says that when food is not properly digested, it "causes fatness."

The end result is that the Beverly Hills diet is not one that you should try. Fad diets, unbalanced diets, diet pills, diet supplements, weight loss surgery, and other short term weight loss methods are not recommended for permanent weight control but some of these weight loss measures may be suitable for short term weight loss. The best way to lose excess fat and maintain a healthy weight in the long term is to follow a balanced a calorie-controlled diet and take regular aerobic exercise and or weight resistance training.

To buy this book you can CLICK HERE.
To read the book online CLICK HERE.

# The Mayo Clinic Diet

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List of diets for the weight loss, list of diets for weight loss, list of diets that work, top 12 diets for weight loss
For more than 30 years the so-called "Mayo Clinic diet" has surfaced in many forms and many places. Various versions push grapefruit or eggs or meat and promise to peel off pounds magically. These fad diets did not originate at Mayo Clinic and are not approved by Mayo Clinic.
The diets prescribed by Mayo doctors and dietitians are individualized for each patient's needs, taking into account medical history and current eating and exercise habits. There is no one diet that works for everyone.

Instead of relying on so-called miracle diets promising rapid weight loss, take stock of your current eating and exercise habits and compare them with recommendations made by reputable organizations. (For example, the updated Dietary Guidelines for Americans provide a wealth of information to get you started.) A healthy diet along with exercise that results in a 1/2 to 1 pound loss each week is considered safe and effective.

To buy this book CLICK HERE
To download the PDF file of the diet CLICK HERE

# The Nutri/System Program

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List of diets for the weight loss, list of diets for weight loss, list of diets that work, top 12 diets for weight loss
Lose 1 - 2½ pounds a week
The NutriSystem program is based on portion-controlled entrees, snacks, and desserts. It uses real food, so as you're losing weight, you're learning how to eat for the rest of your life. There's an entire weight loss community of people giving support and encouragement. You can go online and join chats and seminars, and you can tap into a huge resource of health, exercise, and dieting information. You'll get your own personal counselor who will work with you to keep you losing. You won't ever be left wondering what you should do next in your weight loss adventure.

Nutri System ships your food right to your home. You just order your food, open the box when it arrives, review the meal plan, and you're ready. All of the Nutri System entrees are easy to prepare. If you've got a hectic life (i.e. kids) you'll love how easy Nutri/System is.

Thousands of people just like you have gained strength and confidence through the Nutri/System weight loss program because it works. Find out for yourself.

To get more information about Nutri system program diet CLICK HERE
To buy the kit CLICK HERE

# The Blood Type Diet

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List of diets for the weight loss, list of diets for weight loss, list of diets that work, top 12 diets for weight loss
Through the writings of Dr. Peter D'Adamo, New York Times best-selling author of Eat Right 4 Your Type, Cook Right 4 Your Type and further refined in his recently released, Complete Blood Type Diet Encyclopedia, you can find a wealth of information about weight loss for the thinking man...or woman.

Through his research and writings, this landmark theory has introduced the concept of genetically individualized nutrition to millions of readers around the world.

The "blood type diet" theory has gained widespread attention from the public. The basic premise of the blood type diet is that type O's are the dominant, hunter, caveman type that requires meat in the diet, Type A's are docile vegetarians, and Type B's are dairy eating omnivores.

D'Adamo's book contains many scientifically unsatisfying, "one size fits all" statements. Since most people are unaware of their blood types (let alone what foods are "evolutionarily inappropriate" for them to eat), it is reasonable to assume that on most days most people eat the "wrong foods" for their blood type.

In the final analysis, the blood type diet is not one that you should feel inclined to run out and try right away. Read about some of the other diets and alternative methods for losing weight and consider coming back to have another look at the blood type diet once Dr. D' Adamo has more scientific proof that this diet actually works and that it is based on medically sound principles.

To download the pdf file just CLICK HERE
To buy the book CLICK HERE

# The Cabbage Soup Diet

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List of diets for the weight loss, list of diets for weight loss, list of diets that work, top 12 diets for weight loss
The Cabbage Soup Diet is based on a fat-burning soup that contains negative calories. The more soup you eat the more weight you are supposed to lose. I have seen the cabbage soup diet work well for several people. I did not personally have any luck with it. I ate cabbage soup all day every day and I was still hungry.. plus I actually gained weight. It's certainly not for everyone. Just in case you do want to give the cabbage soup diet a try, here is the magic ingredients to this weight loss diet. (You are supposed to be able to lose 10-15 lbs. in 7 days.)

The Cabbage Soup Diet Plan

Eat as much cabbage soup as you desire for seven days and you can lose 10 to 15 pounds. The recipe varies slightly, but basically includes a variety of low-calorie vegetables such as cabbage, onions, and tomatoes, flavored with bouillon, onion soup mix and tomato juice (I liked to spice my cabbage soup up a bit with some jalapeno peppers and spices). Each day of the seven-day program has specific foods that must be eaten, including potatoes, fruit juice, many vegetables, and on one day, beef.

Day One:

Eat only fruit, all the fruit you want except banana. Drink unsweetened tea, black coffee, cranberry juice, and water. Eat as much soup as you like.

Day Two:

All you want - fresh, raw or cooked vegetables of your choice. Stay away from dry beans, peas, and sweet corn. Reward yourself with a big baked potato with butter for dinner. Eat as much soup as you like, but no fruit for today.

Day Three:

Combine days one and two, eat as much fruit, vegetables and soup as you like but no baked potato.

Day Four:

Eat as many as eight bananas and drink as many glasses of skim milk as you would like on this day, along with your soup. This day is supposed to lessen your desire for sweets.

Day Five:

You may have 10-20 ounces of beef (300-500g) and a large tin or up to six fresh tomatoes. Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water this day to wash the uric acid from your body. Eat your soup at least once today. You may eat broiled or baked chicken (skinless) instead of beef. If you prefer, you can substitute broiled fish for the beef.

Day Six:

Eat beef and vegetables today. You can even have 2 or 3 steaks if you like, with fresh vegetables or salad. NO BAKED POTATO. Eat your soup at least once.

Day Seven:

Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juices, and vegetables all you want. Be sure to eat your soup at least once today. No bread, alcohol, or carbonated beverages - not even diet soda.
That's All Folks!
Use the Cabbage Soup Diet for some temporary weight loss or use the directory on the right to get some other weight loss ideas and be sure to read our disclaimer and check with your doctor before you start any weight loss plan.

For more information of Cabbage Soup Diet CLICK HERE
To buy the Cabbage Soup Diet book CLICK HERE

# Chicken Soup Diet

List of diets for the weight loss, list of diets for weight loss, list of diets that work, top 12 diets for weight loss
List of diets for the weight loss, list of diets for weight loss, list of diets that work, top 12 diets for weight loss
The Chicken Soup Diet works on a very simple idea. You have 1 breakfast each day and as much chicken soup as you want during the day. This may not be the very best weight loss plan for you but many people like it because they either like to eat breakfast or they just have a thing for chicken soup.
There are 5 breakfast choices for you to choose from. To get a good nutritional balance from the chicken soup diet you should have a different breakfast every day. Here are the five breakfasts to choose from:
1 cup vanilla nonfat yogurt combined with 1/2 cup chopped fruit salad and sprinkled with wheat germ.
1 cup ricotta cheese combined with 1/2 tsp. of sugar and a dash of cinnamon. 2 pieces whole-grain bread, toasted 3 dried figs.
1 1/2 cups Total cereal 1/2 cup nonfat milk 1/2 cup calcium-enriched orange juice.
1/2 cup prune juice 1 small whole-wheat bagel, topped with 1 oz of fat-free cheddar cheese melted.
1 1/2 cups cooked Wheatena Cereal 1/2 cup nonfat milk.
One way to do the breakfasts is to try 3 different ones the first 3 days and then use your favorite 2 breakfasts for the next couple of days. The rest of the day you are going to be eating chicken soup only so make your breakfast be exciting!
Here is the recipe for the Chicken Soup:


2 Tbs. oil, best if you use olive oil
4 parsnips cut into 1/2 inch pieces (this is about 1 lb. of parsnips)
4 ribs celery sliced
1 turnip cut into 1/2 inch pieces (3/4 of a pound)
1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and chopped
1 Tbs. chopped garlic
2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper
16 cups reduced-fat, low sodium, chicken broth
7 cans (5 oz. each) of chicken, or 5 cups (1 1/2 lbs) fresh chicken (cooked)
1 bag (16 oz.) frozen carrots
1 box (10 oz.) frozen broccoli florets
1 box (10 oz.) frozen chopped collard greens
1 1/2 cups frozen chopped onions
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup chopped fresh dill or 1 tbs dried dill.

Using a large pot, heat the oil over medium heat. Add the parsnips, celery, turnip, jalapeno peppper, garlic, salt, and cayenne pepper. Cook all the vegetables until they are crisp-tender...this should take about 15 minutes. Add the broth, chicken, carrots, broccoli, collard greens, onions, lemon juice, and dill. Brink it to a boil, reduce heat and let it simmer for 5 minutes. This will make 26 cups of soup.
Try not to cut any corners on the chicken soup recipe as your entire weight loss plan with this diet revolves around the premise that you will actually like this soup. For other weight loss ideas please see the menu on the top right of this page. Happy Dieting!  

For more information CLICK HERE               

# The Scarsdale Diet Plan

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List of diets for the weight loss, list of diets for weight loss, list of diets that work, top 12 diets for weight loss
With the Scarsdale Diet Plan, you don't have to count calories or grams of fat and there is no limit on portion sizes. Weight loss often occurs rapidly, and you won't have to worry about hunger.
The Scarsdale diet is a seven to fourteen-day plan that clearly outlines the types of foods to be consumed at three meals each day.

DAY 1:

Breakfast - Coffee or tea with sugar substitute & 1/2 grapefruit
Lunch - Any amount of lean beef, chicken or fish + tomato salad + coffee or tea
Dinner - Broiled fish + tomato and lettuce salad + grapefruit or melon

DAY 2:

Breakfast - Coffee or tea with sugar substitute & 1/2 grapefruit
Lunch - Any amount of fruit salad + coffee 
Dinner - Hamburger (without bread) and all the cooked vegetables you desire

DAY 3:

Breakfast - Coffee or tea with sugar substitute & 1/2 grapefruit
Lunch - Tuna salad + grapefruit or melon
Dinner - 2 Lean pork chops + mixed green salad + coffee

DAY 4:

Breakfast - Coffee or tea with sugar substitute & 1/2 grapefruit
Lunch - 2 Eggs + Cottage cheese + 3 oz. squash + 1 Toast + Coffee
Dinner - Chicken ( grilled or broiled w/o skin ) + Spinach or green pepper + Coffee

DAY 5:

Breakfast - Coffee or tea with sugar substitute & 1/2 Grapefruit
Lunch - All the dry cheese you want + spinach + 1 Toast
Dinner - Broiled fish + cooked veggies or green salad + 1 Toast

DAY 6:

Breakfast - Coffee or tea with sugar substitute & 1/2 Grapefruit
Lunch - Fruit salad (as much as you want) + 1 Coffee
Dinner - Broiled chicken w/o skin + Tomato and lettuce salad + Grapefruit or melon + Coffee

Day 7:

Breakfast - coffee or tea with sugar substitute & 1/2 grapefruit
Lunch - cold or hot chicken + tomato & lettuce salad + grapefruit or melon + coffee
Dinner - lean beef + mixed salad + coffee

The basic rules for the Scarsdale Diet Plan are:
Drink at least 4 glasses of water or diet soda per day and you can add the following to your foods: herbs, salt pepper, lemon, vinegar, Worcestershire, soy sauce, mustard & ketchup. Snacking is not allowed, and herbal appetite suppressants are encouraged.
Heres the consensus about the Scarsdale Diet:
This weight loss plan is dangerously low in carbohydrate and many vitamins and minerals. A strict meal plan must be followed exactly and if you do use herbal appetite suppressants be aware of the possible medical consequences. Like other fad diets, the Scarsdale diet plan is not for everyone. Please consult the menu in the top right-hand corner for more weight loss ideas and diets.

For more information of Scarsdale diet plan CLICK HERE

# The 3 Day Diet

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List of diets for the weight loss, list of diets for weight loss, list of diets that work, top 12 diets for weight loss
The three-day diet is basically just another fad diet. But hey, if you're into that sort of thing then here are the instructions for the 3 day diet:
Follow the menu below and remember to drink at least 4 glasses of water a day. Also, you can add any of these spices and condiments: salt, herbs, lemon, pepper, vinegar, Worcestershire, soy sauce, mustard & ketchup to your foods.

Day 1:

Breakfast:- Black Coffee or Tea w/1-2 packets of Sweet & Low or Equal 1/2 Grapefruit or Juice 1 Toast with 1 Tbsp. Peanut Butter
Lunch:- 1/2 Cup of Tuna 1 Toast Black Coffee or Tea w/1-2 packets of Sweet & Low or Equal 
Dinner:- 3 Oz. any lean meat or chicken 1 cup green beans 1 cup carrots 1 apple 1 cup regular vanilla ice cream

Day 2:

Breakfast:- Black coffee or tea w/1-2 packets of Sweet & Low or Equal 1 Egg 1/2 Banana 1 Toast Lunch:- 1 cup cottage cheese or tuna 8 regular saltine crackers
Dinner:- 2 Beef franks 1 cup broccoli or cabbage 1/2 cup carrots 1/2 banana 1/2 cup regular vanilla ice cream

Day 3:

Breakfast:- black coffee or tea w/1-2 packets of Sweet & Low or Equal 5 regular saltine crackers 1 oz. cheddar cheese 1 apple
Lunch:- 1 boiled egg 1 toast black coffee or tea w/1-2 packets of Sweet & Low or Equal
Dinner:- 1 cup tuna 1 cup carrots 1 cup cauliflower 1 cup melon 1/2 cup regular vanilla ice cream
If you are serious about weight loss then after your 3 day diet is over you may want to return here and have a look at some of the other diet plans and weight loss solutions.

# The "One Good Meal" Diet

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List of diets for the weight loss, list of diets for weight loss, list of diets that work, top 12 diets for weight loss
The One Good Meal diet is yet another fad diet aimed at those people who can stand the thought of dieting as long as they get to have that one good meal a day. This weight loss plan and diet is not for everyone but here's the plan anyway:
Day 1

Breakfast:- Coffee
Lunch:- 2 Eggs + 1 Tomato
Dinner:- 7 Ounces of red meat + Green salad


Breakfast:- Coffee + Toast or water cracker
Lunch:- 7 Ounces of red meat + Green salad 
Dinner:- 5 1/4 Ounces of ham + 1 Cup yogurt


Breakfast:- Coffee + Toast or water cracker 
Lunch:- Green salad + 1 tomato + 1 Mandarin or orange
Dinner:- 3.5 Ounces of ham + Fruit salad + 2 Eggs


Breakfast:- Coffee + toast or water cracker
Lunch:- 5 1/4 Ounces of gruyere cheese +1 Egg +1 Carrot
Dinner:- Fruit salad + 1 Yogurt


Breakfast:- 5 1/4 Ounces of ham + 1 Cup carrots 
Lunch 7:- Ounces of broiled fish + 1 Tomato 
Dinner:- 8 3/4 Ounces of red meat


Breakfast:- Coffee + Toast or water cracker 
Lunch:- 1/4 Chicken baked + Citric fruit
Dinner:- 2 Eggs + 1 Cup raw carrot


Breakfast:- Coffee + Toast or water cracker 
Lunch:- 7 Ounces of red meat + Citric fruit
Dinner:- Anything you like ( in moderation) not over 500 calories then repeat the entire diet for 7 more days.

If this weight loss plan does not seem like a diet that you could stick to or get all jazzed up about then..... don't do it!!!.. Just skip the One Good Meal Diet altogether and pick a different weight loss solution from the menu above and to the right.

# The All You Can Eat Diet

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List of diets for the weight loss, list of diets for weight loss, list of diets that work, top 12 diets for weight loss
The 7-day all-you-can-eat diet does not seem very appealing at first but doesn't worry! If you manage to stick to this diet for the full 7 days then you will surely lose some weight. I was only able to make it to the 3rd day. Who can turn down a diet that's named "All You Can Eat"?
Here's the Diet

Monday All the fruit you want except banana

Tuesday All the vegetables you want you can use soy sauce, vinegar or mustard

Wednesday All the fruit & vegetables you want. 

Thursday 5 bananas with 5 glasses of milk 

Friday 4 (3 oz beef/chicken or fish steaks) with fresh vegetables

Saturday4 (3 oz. beef steaks) with fresh vegetables

Sunday 4 (3 oz. beef steaks) with fresh vegetables

You should probably take a good multi-vitamin while on this weight loss plan. The All You Can Eat Diet is definitely a fad diet and probably not your best choice (if you happen to like food).

# The Metabolism Diet

List of diets for the weight loss, list of diets for weight loss, list of diets that work, top 12 diets for weight loss
List of diets for the weight loss, list of diets for weight loss, list of diets that work, top 12 diets for weight loss
For those seeking weight loss through the use of fad diets, here is The Metabolism Diet.
With Metabolism fad diet you need to drink at least 4 glasses of water or diet soda per day. You can add the following to your foods: herbs, salt, pepper, lemon, vinegar, Worcestershire, soy sauce, mustard & ketchup. Here's the diet:

Day 1

Breakfast Black Coffee or Tea w/1-2 packets of Sweet & Low or Equal

Lunch 2 hard-boiled eggs 1 cup cooked spinach Dinner 1 lettuce and celery salad 1 6oz. steak *(use PAM to fry)

Day 2

Breakfast Black Coffee or Tea w/1-2 packets of Sweet & Low or Equal one water cracker
Lunch 1 lettuce and celery salad 1 6oz. steak broiled or grilled
Dinner 8-10 oz. of Ham

Day 3

Breakfast Black Coffee or Tea w/1-2 packets of Sweet & Low or Equal one water cracker
Lunch 2 hard-boiled eggs 1 cup green beans 1 cup tomatoes
Dinner 8-10 oz. of Ham 2 cups green bean/tomato salad

Day 4

Breakfast Black Coffee or Tea w/1-2 packets of Sweet & Low or Equal one water cracker
Lunch 1 hard-boiled eggs 1 cup raw carrots
Dinner 1 cup regular yogurt 1 oz. mozzarella cheese 1 cup fruit salad

Day 5

Breakfast Black Coffee or Tea w/1-2 packets of Sweet & Low or Equal 1 raw carrot Juice of 1 lemon
Lunch 1 fried fish filet (4-6 oz.) tomato salad
Dinner 1 4-6 oz. steak green salad

Day 6

Breakfast Black Coffee or Tea w/1-2 packets of Sweet & Low or Equal
Lunch 1 4-8oz. chicken broiled w/o skin
Dinner 2 hardboiled eggs 1 raw carrot

Day 7

Breakfast Tea w/lemon
Lunch 1 4-8oz. steak broiled or grilled 1 1/2 cup of fruit
Dinner a sensible dinner

# The Zone Diet

List of diets for the weight loss, list of diets for weight loss, list of diets that work, top 12 diets for weight loss
List of diets for the weight loss, list of diets for weight loss, list of diets that work, top 12 diets for weight loss
The principle premise of the Zone Diet is a simple one and it states that your genes have changed very little during the past 100,000 years. Over hundreds of thousands of years, Mother Nature has designed your digestive system to operate correctly when eating just two food groups: (1) lean protein and (2) natural carbohydrates like fruits and fiber-rich vegetables.

By eating the proper ratio of low-density carbohydrates, dietary fat, and protein, you can control your insulin production. Maintaining your insulin level within a therapeutic zone makes it possible for you to burn excess body fat (and keep it off permanently) and enjoy increased energy, improved mental focus, and increased vitality.

According to the Zone Diet, the ideal ratio of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats is 40-30-30 respectively. You are supposed to use your hand to do all the measuring of foods in the Zone Diet. You are supposed to eat 5 meals a day including 3 meals and 2 snacks. Each meal should consist of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

You measure the number of carbohydrates you eat at a meal by the size of your fist. If you are going to eat "good carbohydrates" then you get 2 fists but for bad carbs like pasta you only get 1 fist with The Zone Diet. You measure your protein portion by the size of your palm. The last macronutrient is dietary fat. Fat is easy. Just add a few nuts, some olive oil or a couple olives to balance out your meal. If your protein source is high in fat, don't add any extra dietary fat.

You are also supposed to use your hand to remind you to eat 5 times a day (your 5 fingers) and also to not go more than 5 hours without a meal.

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