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Saturday 21 September 2019

13 Food Items That Helps To Prevent Cancer

13 food items to prevent cancer, diet to prevent cancer, list of food that help in preventing cancer
13 food items to prevent cancer, diet to prevent cancer, list of food that help in preventing cancer

Hello friends,  here I am with you share with you with my new blog which will help you to prevent cancer. You all must be not knowing that the food you intake in your intake can help you from causing many deadly diseases like heart disorder, diabetes, and even cancer. 

Talking about cancer studies have said that cancer cells develop mainly because of the food that is included in your day to day diet. Because many food products have the capacity to decrease the production of cancer cells in your body to a large extent. Many food items contain beneficial compounds that could help in preventing cancer.

There are many food items which contains beneficial compounds to reduce the growth of cancer. There are also several studies showing that a higher intake of some of the food items which are listed below will certainly help you in minimizing the risk of causing cancer. There are thirteen food items that might help you to fight against cells. So let's see them

13 food items to prevent cancer, diet to prevent cancer, list of food that help in preventing cancer
13 food items to prevent cancer, diet to prevent cancer, list of food that help in preventing cancer
Broccoli consists of sulforaphane, a compound found in cruciferous vegetables. Now you might be things what are cruciferous vegetables. Broccoli belongs to the Brassicaceae family which is being raised with many genera, species, and cultivars such as kale, cabbage, bok, Choy, cauliflower, and similar green leaf vegetable that consist of anti-cancer properties.

In one of the test tube study, it is been found that consuming food items that consist of sulforaphane in it will help in decreasing the breast cancer cells by 75%. Similarly, in one of the animal study, it was found by providing mice with sulforaphane helped in killing prostate cancer cells and reduce its effect by more than 50% in it. In some other studies, it has been found that by increasing the intake of cruciferous food like broccoli will minimize the risk of colorectal cancer.

But want to include here that all the test mentioned above are not performed on people except test-tube study. But yes including broccoli in your diet has been proved in minimizing the cells responsible for breast cancer and also has the capability to fight against cancer cells. 

BOTTOM LINE:-Broccoli contains sulforaphane in it and has proved that it will reduce the tumor volume and help to fight against breast cancer and also lowering the risk of colorectal cancer.

13 food items to prevent cancer, diet to prevent cancer, list of food that help in preventing cancer
13 food items to prevent cancer, diet to prevent cancer, list of food that help in preventing cancer
You all might be knowing that including carrot in your diet will help you to improve your eyesight. But in some studies, it has been seen that carrots also help in lowering some kinds of cancer.
For example, in an analysis, it has been seen that consuming carrots in your diet may also help in reducing the risk of stomach looked at the results of five studies and concluded that eating carrots may reduce the risk of stomach cancer by up to 26%.
In another study, it was found that a higher intake of carrots helped in minimizing the development of prostate cancer by 18%.
A study was carried out between 1266 people were some of them allowed to eat a carrot and some were not given. In this study, it was found that the lung cancer-causing cells was reduced to a great extent. It is also found that the smokers who didn't eat carrots on a daily basis or include it in their diet then there is a chance of developing cancer cells by three times more.
So try to eat a carrot in raw or cooked or even you can include it in any salads. By doing this you will increase the intake and potentially reduce the risk of cancer. 

BOTTOM LINE:- Some studies found that consuming carrot is directly linked with decreasing the risk of prostate, lung and stomach cancer.

13 food items to prevent cancer, diet to prevent cancer, list of food that help in preventing cancer
13 food items to prevent cancer, diet to prevent cancer, list of food that help in preventing cancer
Beans consist of fiber in large quantity which helps to protect against colorectal cancer. In one study it was seen that 1905 people who were having colorectal tumors were told to consume cooked or dried beans daily. And it was found to have decreased in the risk of tumor recurrence.

A study was made were rats were induced with colon cancer and feeding rats with black beans or navy beans helped in blocking the development of cancer cells by 75%. So looking at the results of the above studies it is found that consuming beans lowers the risk of developing cancer cells in your body. So According to these results, eating a few servings of beans each week may increase your fiber intake and help lower the risk of developing cancer.

However, the above studies are limited to animal research and some studies that show an association but not causation. So some more research or studies are needed to carry especially in humans to link it with cancer. 

The fiber content in beans is more which helps in reducing the risk of colorectal cancer.  Human and animal studies have been carried which shown that beans helped in reducing colorectal cancer and colon cancer.

13 food items to prevent cancer, diet to prevent cancer, list of food that help in preventing cancer
13 food items to prevent cancer, diet to prevent cancer, list of food that help in preventing cancer
Berries are high in anthocyanins, plant colors that have cell reinforcement properties and might be related to a diminished danger of malignant growth. In one human examination, 25 individuals with the colorectal disease were treated with bilberry extricate for seven days, which was found to lessen the development of malignant growth cells by 7 %. 

Another little investigation gave solidify dried dark raspberries to patients with oral malignant growth and demonstrated that it diminished degrees of specific markers related to disease movement. One creature concentrate found that giving rodents solidify dried dark raspberries diminished esophageal tumor rate by up to 54% and diminished the number of tumors by up to 62%. 

Essentially, another creature study demonstrated that giving rodents a berry concentrate was found to repress a few biomarkers of malignant growth. In light of these discoveries, including a serving or two of berries in your eating regimen, every day may help hinder the improvement of malignancy. 

BOTTOM LINE:-Some test-cylinder and creature studies have discovered that the mixes in berries may diminish the development and spread of specific kinds of malignant growth.

13 food items to prevent cancer, diet to prevent cancer, list of food that help in preventing cancer
13 food items to prevent cancer, diet to prevent cancer, list of food that help in preventing cancer
Cinnamon is notable for its medical advantages, including its capacity to diminish glucose and simplicity irritation. Likewise, some test-tube and animal studies have discovered that cinnamon may help hinder the spread of disease cells. 

A test-tube concentrate found that cinnamon concentrate had the option to diminish the spread of malignant growth cells and instigate their passing. Another test-tube study demonstrated that cinnamon basic oil smothered the development of head and neck malignant growth cells, and furthermore essentially diminished tumor size. 

An animal study likewise demonstrated that cinnamon concentrate prompted cell demise in tumor cells, and furthermore lessen the tumors volume. Counting 1/2–1 teaspoon (2–4 grams) of cinnamon in your diet routine every day might be advantageous in malignancy counteractive action and may accompany different advantages too, for example, reduce glucose and aggravation. 

BOTTOM LINE:-Test-tube and animal studies have discovered that cinnamon concentrate may have hostile to malignancy properties and may help decline the development and spread of tumors. More research in people is required. 

13 food items to prevent cancer, diet to prevent cancer, list of food that help in preventing cancer
13 food items to prevent cancer, diet to prevent cancer, list of food that help in preventing cancer
In research, it has been found that eating nuts have helped in reducing or lowering the risk of certain types of cancer. For example, in a study, it was looked that the 19,386 people who included nuts in there daily diet or ate a lot of nuts per day were associated with a decrease in the risk of cancer.

In another study was carried out on 30,708 people where they were told to eat nuts for a time period of 30 years regularly and were noticed in the risk of colorectal, pancreatic, and endometrial cancers. In some studies, it was found that eating specific nuts like walnuts and brazil nuts helped in reducing the risk of cancer. It is also known that brazil nuts consist of selenium which helps in preventing the development of lung cancer cells.

Also, it was found in one of the animal studies that feeding mice with walnuts help in the development of breast cancer cells by 80% and reduce tumor volume by 60%. By having a look at all these stidies it is suggested to include eating nuts in your daily nuts.

BOTTOM LINE:-The conclusion from all these studies are that the nuts will help in reducing the risk of colorectal, pancreatic and endometrial cancer and is suggested to include in your daily diet.

13 food items to prevent cancer, diet to prevent cancer, list of food that help in preventing cancer
13 food items to prevent cancer, diet to prevent cancer, list of food that help in preventing cancer
As we all know that olive oil consists of many health benefits and hence there is a lot of suggestion of the doctor to use olive oil for cooking. Not only this a study was carried out where it was found that olive oil also protects against cancer. There were 18 studies carried out where it was found that people who intake olive oil in their diet had a lower risk of developing cancer cells than the people who didn't intake it.

Also, it was found that olive oil helped in the reduction of colorectal cancer in the body. So exchanging other oils with olive oil will surely help you guys to take more advantage of the olive oil. Try using it on your marinades for fish and meat or over salads and cooked vegetables.

BOTTOM LINE:-The bottom line could be that there are many advantages of olive oils in the reduction of cancer cells according to the studies that were carried out. To replace the ordinary oil with olive oil to get its health benefits.

13 food items to prevent cancer, diet to prevent cancer, list of food that help in preventing cancer
13 food items to prevent cancer, diet to prevent cancer, list of food that help in preventing cancer
Turmeric is a well-known spice which is added to your food which gives a good taste. But apart from taste, it is also well known for for its health benefits. The active ingredient called Curcumin is a chemical which consists not only anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agents but also anti-cancer effects.

One study was carried out were 44 people who consist of lesions in the colon that could become cancerous. These people were provided 4 grams of curcumin daily in their diet and after 30 days the number of lesions present was reduced to 40%.

In a test-tube study, the curcumin present in turmeric also helpful to reduce the spreading of colon cancer cells by targeting the particular enzyme related to the growth of cancer. The head and neck cancer cells were also reduced by consuming turmeric powder in their diet which was proved in one of the test tube studies.

It is also found to be effective in slowing down the growth of lung, prostate, and breast cancer cells in some other test-tube studies. So try to consume at least two to three grams of ground turmeric per day and also use it as a spice to add taste and flavor to your cooked food.

It is shown and proved that turmeric contains an active agent called curcumin which helps in reducing the growth of many types of cancer cells and lesions in humans.

13 food items to prevent cancer, diet to prevent cancer, list of food that help in preventing cancer
13 food items to prevent cancer, diet to prevent cancer, list of food that help in preventing cancer
Consuming citrus fruits like lemons, limes, grapefruits, and oranges will surely help all the people who are suffering from cancer. Also in a study, it was observed that people consuming more number of citrus fruits had a low risk of developing digestive and respiratory tracts cancer cells. Also, take a look at the nine studies that were taken it was found that large intake of citrus fruits reduced the risk of pancreatic cancer.

And it is also seen that it helps in reducing stomach cancer by 28% which was proved by the 14 studies which were carried out. Try to have a high intake or at least three serving per week. So all these studies suggest that it is necessary for all the people to include few servings of citrus fruits in their diet to lower the possibility of any type of cancer mentioned above.

BOTTOM LINE:-So it is been found that citrus fruits will help you preventing against certain cancers like pancreatic and stomach cancer including upper respiratory tracts and digestive cancers.

13 food items to prevent cancer, diet to prevent cancer, list of food that help in preventing cancer
13 food items to prevent cancer, diet to prevent cancer, list of food that help in preventing cancer
Flaxseed is rich in fibers and fats that are good for the heart. Flaxseed can be also a healthy addition to your diet. In some studies which were carried out, it is also shown that it could help to decrease the growth of cancer cells. And in some other studies, 32 women having breast cancer received flaxseed muffin daily. In the end, the people who were provided flaxseed muffin were found to have a decrease in tumor growth as well increase in cancer cells.

In another study, 161 men who were having prostate cancer were provided flaxseeds. After one month it was found to have a reduction in the growth of cancer cells. As we know it is rich in fiber and hence it is found to be protective against colorectal cancer. Each day try adding 10 grams of flaxseeds in your food like mixing in smoothies, sprinkling it over cereal and yogurt or even you can try it on baked food items.

BOTTOM LINE:-Some studies have found that flaxseed may reduce cancer growth in breast and prostate cancers. It is also high in fiber, which may decrease the risk of colorectal cancer.

13 food items to prevent cancer, diet to prevent cancer, list of food that help in preventing cancer
13 food items to prevent cancer, diet to prevent cancer, list of food that help in preventing cancer
The red colour of tomatoes is because of the Lycopene compound present in it. This compound is not only responsible for its colour but also consist of anticancer properties which help to fight against cancer. In Several studies, it is been proved that the intake of tomatoes could help in preventing the risk of prostate cancer.

In a review of seventeen studies, it was seen that the consumption of raw tomatoes or cooked tomatoes may help in preventing the risk of prostate cancer. In another study on 47365 people, it was found that having tomato sauce helped in the development of prostate cancer cells in your body. To increase the intake the of tomatoes in your diet. You can use them in sandwiches, salads or in the form of or in pasta dishes.

BOTTOM LINE:-Some studies have found that a higher intake of tomatoes and lycopene could reduce the risk of prostate cancer. However, more studies are needed.

13 food items to prevent cancer, diet to prevent cancer, list of food that help in preventing cancer
13 food items to prevent cancer, diet to prevent cancer, list of food that help in preventing cancer
Garlic consist of an active element called allicin which helps to kill or fight against the cancer cells which is shown or proved in multiple test-tube studies. And also in many other studies it is found that the intake of garlic can minimize the risk of cancer.

Also in one of the studies of 543220 people, it was found that the people consuming more allium vegetables like garlic, onions, leeks, and shallots had a low risk of stomach cancer than the people who rarely consumed them. It was also seen that the garlic reduced the risk of prostate cancer in a study which was conducted between 471 men

In a study, it was also found that there were fewer chances of developing colorectal tumors in people who ate garlic, lots of fruits, green leafy vegetables, deep yellow vegetables, and onions. However, there was not there any isolation of this study with the effect of garlic.

Having a look at all these studies it is good to include 2-5 grams of garlic into in your diet per day which will help you from preventing from cancer. It is also good for heart disease.

BOTTOM LINE:-The allicin compound found in garlic helps in developing cancer cells in the body and minimize the risk of stomach, prostate and colorectal cancers.

13 food items to prevent cancer, diet to prevent cancer, list of food that help in preventing cancer
13 food items to prevent cancer, diet to prevent cancer, list of food that help in preventing cancer
By including some fish once or twice in a week in your diet might reduce the risk of cancer. One large study was carried out where it was shown that higher intake of a few particular like salmon fish and others might help in reducing the risk of causing digestive tract cancer.

There was another study which was followed by 478040 adults in which it was found that eating fish might help to decrease the risk of cancer whereas consuming red and processed meats will increase the risk of cancer.

According to my knowledge the fatty fish like mackerel, anchovies, and salmon which contains some of the important nutrients such as vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acid which has been linked with lowering the risk of cancer should be consumed by each and everyone once or twice in a week. Fish also, consist of other health benefits.

In addition, omega-3 fatty acids are thought to block the development of the disease. So each and everyone must aim to eat at least two fatty fish per week. Doctors also suggested taking capsules which consist of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D to maximize the health benefits of people suffering from cancer.

But still, some more research has to be taken place in order to find out whether fatty fish are directly connected with the reduced risk of cancer in humans.

BOTTOM LINE:-Fish consumption may decrease the risk of cancer. They consist of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids which are believed in protecting against cancer.


As new research keeps on developing, it has turned out to be progressively certain that your dieting items can have a major impact on your body health. Despite the fact that there are numerous food items that can possibly diminish the spread and development of cancer cells. 

More examinations are expected to see how this food may straightforwardly prevent the cancer in your body. Meanwhile, it's almost guaranteed that an eating regimen wealthy in entire nourishments, combined with a solid way of life, will improve numerous parts of your wellbeing.

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