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Tuesday 1 October 2019

Good Food Items That Are Healthy For Your Life

50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Hi friends how are you?  I hope all are doing good in there life. Guys a few days ago when I was having my food my mother was shouting at me that in my childhood I never use to eat healthy food and rather liked to eat junk food. So I thought this could be the case in every child or even youngsters. Normally we avoid healthy food because there is some food which is not delicious. So thought of making a list of food items that are both delicious and healthy to your body and posting in my blog. 
This food is suggested by my doctor almost one year ago as I was suffering from a lack of nutrients and vitamins in my body. And after continuously eating these foods and vegetables I have regained vitamins and minerals in my body. So thought of mentioning the list of food which I eat so that the people suffering from lack of vitamins, minerals, and proteins can be benefited from it. So here is the list of 50 such food products which are both healthy and delicious.

1–6: Fruits and berries
Fruits and berries are among the world's most well known foody items for nourishments.
These sweet, nutritious nourishments are exceptionally simple to join into your eating diet. They are most preferred for the people who don’t have enough time to prepare their food as they require no cooking skills. Only you have to wash them in water before eating. But I could prefer to wash them in warm water as nowadays more pesticides are being applied to fruits. So here is the list of fruits

1. Apples
50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Apples are very rich in important antioxidants, flavors, and fibers. The consumption of apple help in fighting against cancer, diabetes, heart disease and hypertension due to the presence of antioxidants and phytonutrients.  Apples are high in fiber, nutrient C, and various cell reinforcements. They are very delicious and can be the ideal fruit to eat for you if you are feeling hungry in between lunch or dinner.

2. Avocados
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Avocado is extremely Nutritious and is loaded with more potassium than the banana. The fiber content in the avocado is also high and it helps in lowering the bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels in your body. Avocados are unique fruit and it contains healthy fats which are also required for your body. It is rich in vitamin C, potassium, and fiber and is also delicious to taste which people may like to eat.

3. Bananas
50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Now banana is very healthy food and there is N number of nutrients present in it. It helps in moderating the sugar levels of your body. It helps in improving the digestive system of your body and reducing body weight. To improve insulin sensitivity unripe Bananas are very good. Bananas are among the world's best wellsprings of potassium. They're additionally high in nutrient B6 and fiber, just as advantageous and convenient.

4. Blueberries
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Blueberries Are Low in Calories and are mostly suggested to include them in the diet list. It helps in preventing cancer and aging by reducing DNA damage. It may help in lowering blood pressure. blueberries are delightful as well as among the most dominant wellsprings of cancer prevention agents on the planet.

5. Oranges
50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Eating oranges are very beneficial as it contains Vitamin C in high quantity. It prevents skin damage and maintains blood pressure levels under control. It also minimizes the risk of cancer and lowers cholesterol. Oranges are notable for their Vitamin C content. Likewise, they're high in fiber and cancer prevention agents.

6. Strawberries
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
These are the most liked fruit by the children among all. They are not only delicious but also exceptionally nutritious and it is low in both carbs and calories. They are full of vitamin C, fiber, and manganese.

Other sound organic products

Other wellbeing products of the soil incorporate fruits, grapes, grapefruit, kiwifruit, lemons, mango, melons, olives, peaches, pears, pineapples, plums, and raspberries.

7. Eggs
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Eggs are exceptionally high in protein. In eggs, more than half of its proteins is present in its egg white which contains less amount of body fats and is rich in vitamin B2. Not only in vitamin B2 it also consists of selenium, vitamin D, B6, B12 and minerals like iron, zinc, and copper. It is among the most nutritious food on the planet. Previously it used to be thought that eggs are the main reason for the increase in cholesterol but the recent studies have proved that they are perfectly safe and healthy.

8–10: Meats

Unprocessed, gently cooked meat is one of the most nutritious foods you can eat.

8. Lean beef
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Lean meats are followed by the people following low calorie and low-fat diets. It is a good source of selenium, vitamin B3 and B6. Selenium helps the immune system and also consists of antioxidant properties. Lean beef is among the excellent source of protein in the presence and stacked with profoundly bioavailable iron. In case you are on a low carb diet then it's ok in choosing low fatty cuts.

9. Chicken breasts
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Chicken breast is a phenomenal source of low-fat protein. Protein encourages your body to maintain muscle mass. Chicken breast is also a good source of selenium, phosphorus, nutrient B6, and niacin. Chicken breast is low in fat and calories yet incredibly high in protein. It’s a great source of many nutrients. And again you should not hesitate to eat fattier cuts of chicken in case you're not eating that numerous carb.

10. Lambs

Lambs are grass-fed and it consists of omega-3 fatty acids in large quantities.

11–16: Nuts and seeds

Regardless of being high in fat and calories, nuts and seeds may help you to get thinner. These foods are crunchy, filling, and loaded with important nutrients that many people don't get enough of, including magnesium and vitamin E. They additionally require no preparations, so they can be easily added to your everyday diet in small quantities.

11. Almonds
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Almonds are rich in fats, fiber, proteins, magnesium and vitamin E. The almonds help in lowering blood sugar levels, blood pressure and maintaining your cholesterol levels. Not only this they also help in weight loss. Studies have also proved that almonds help in losing your body weight and improve metabolic health

12. Chia seeds
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Chia Seeds consist of a large number of nutrients with fewer amounts of calories in it. And hence it is used in reducing your weight. Chia Seeds are rich in Quality Protein. Because of high fiber content and protein in Chia seeds, it helps you to lose your body weight. Chia seeds are among the most nutrient-rich foods on the planet.

13. Coconuts
50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Coconuts are rich in manganese which is good for metabolism, cholesterol, and proteins and also good for bone health. The copper and iron is present in good quantity which helps in the formation of red blood cells as well as selenium. It is full of fiber and essential fatty acids called medium-chain triglycerides. The coconut is being used in each and every family on daily basis and good in taste.

14. Macadamia nuts
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Macadamia nuts will help in lowering the rate of risk of any heart-related disease. They also help in preventing cancer and improve metabolism syndrome. They may prevent an increase in body weight. Apart from all these benefits, they are taste delicious

15. Walnuts
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Walnuts are rich in antioxidants and also help in decrease of inflammation. It is involved in the list of diet for the people who are looking to lose there weight and prevent the risk of various walnuts. They are rich in nutrients and full of fiber and various vitamins and minerals.

16. Peanuts
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Peanuts are mostly liked nuts in people of all ages. It is not only good to taste but also healthy for your body. They consist of protein, vitamins, and minerals in large quantities.They may reduce or prevent the risk of some heart disease and gallstones and can also be included in your diet list to reduce your weight. But be on a safe side from peanut butter as it consists of calories in large number.

17–26: Vegetables

Calorie for calorie, vegetables are among the world's most rich and excellent source of supplements.
There's a wide assortment accessible, and it's ideal to eat a wide range of sorts each day.

17. Asparagus
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Asparagus is fully filled with nutrients. It is rich in fibers, folate, chromium and also contains vitamins like A, C, and K. It consist of minerals which helps in enhancing the ability of insulin to transport sugar into your cells. It is a popular vegetable which is low in both calories and carbs but is full of Vitamin K.

18. Bell peppers
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Bell peppers are the one which consist of many vitamins and antioxidants specially Vitamin C and carotenoids and for this reason they may have many health benefits like increasing eyesight reducing the preventing many chronic disease. They come in several colors including red, yellow, and also green. They are crunchy and sweet to taste.

19. Broccoli
50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Broccoli is good for health and is a good source of fiber and protein. It is always recommended by the dietician to include broccoli in there day to the day list. It is a cruciferous vegetable that tastes great which can be eaten both raw and cooked. It contains a good amount of protein compared to other vegetables.

20. Carrots
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Carrots are delicious, nutritious and crunchy to eat. It is considered as a good source of vitamin K1, antioxidants, potassium, and fiber. It is especially known for its health benefits for eyes. It is also linked with weight loss benefits and maintains body cholesterol. It is counted in one of the popular and tasty root vegetables which are even liked by children

21. Cauliflower
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Cauliflower is a very versatile cruciferous vegetable. It can be used to make a multitude of healthy dishes and also tastes good on its own.

22. Cucumber
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items

Cumber is a very famous and popular vegetable that is consumed by each and every people of all ages. It helps in keeping the body hydrated and avoids dehydration which can be very dangerous and deadly. It also helps in weight loss and helps in maintaining the blood sugar level in control. It contains low calories and carbs consisting mostly of water.  

23. Garlic
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Garlic is well known for reducing the risk of heart-related disease. It has the capacity to fight against common cold and sickness. It consists of a good amount of nutrients with low calories. It can reduce blood pressure which is done due to the active compounds present in it. It contains bioactive organ sulfur compounds that have powerful biological effects, including improved immune function

24. Kale
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Kale is counted in the list of most nutrient-dense foods on earth. It is full of helpful antioxidants and is one of the good sources of Vitamin C and K. It is added mostly in the salads to give a good crunch. It reduces and prevents heart disorders.

25. Onions
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Full paced with nutrients, onions are low in calories but high in vitamins and minerals. It may help you to keep your heart in a healthy state. Onions consist of cancer-fighting compounds and help to control the sugar level in your blood. It has antibacterial properties due to which it helps to protect your hair scalp from damage. It will boost the digestive system of your body. They are one of the important ingredient used in many recipes because of their strong flavors present in it.

26. Tomatoes
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Although tomatoes are considered as a vegetables they are technically a fruit. They are full of nutrients like vitamin C and potassium and are loaded of full of nutrients.

More healthy vegetables

Most vegetables are very healthy. Others worth mentioning include artichokes, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, celery, eggplant, leeks, lettuce, mushrooms, radishes, squash, Swiss chard, turnips, and zucchini.

27–32: Fish and seafood

Fish and other seafood tend to be very healthy and nutritious than any other food item.
They’re especially rich in omega-3 fatty acids and iodine, two nutrients in which most people are deficient. Studies show that people who eat the highest amounts of seafood — especially fish — tend to live longer and have a lower risk of many illnesses, including heart disease, dementia, and depression

27. Salmon
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items

Salmon fish is good source of Omega-3 fatty acids. It is also known for the great source of protein. Most of the times salmon fish are consumed by the people to increase there memory. It is full of selenium and also contains antioxidants and reduce the risk of heart diseases. It is beneficial in weight reduction as it contains low calories.It also contains vitamin D in some amount.

28. Sardines
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Sardines also consist of Omega-3 and Omega-3 fatty acids. It helps in the prevention of many diseases such as heart disorders due to the presence of anti-inflammatory properties. It is also rich in calcium, minerals, and proteins. They are among the oily fish which are the most nutritious food you can eat. It boasts the nutrients that your body needs.

29. Shellfish

As everyone knows about shellfish, it is loaded full of proteins and healthy fats that are required for our body which might aid in weight loss. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12 and zinc. Edible shellfish include clams, mollusks, and oysters.

30. Shrimp
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
There are various health benefits of Shrimp fish. It consists of several proteins, minerals, and vitamins that are required for our body. Eating shrimp also helps in maintaining your heart and brain in a good condition as it is rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids.

31. Trout
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Trout is another fresh water fish that is delicious and has good health benefits. In some studies, it is said eating fish can help in preventing the death of one person among four people caused by heart disease. This fish is fully loaded with vitamin B6, B12 and vitamin D.It also consist of essential minerals like iron, potassium, Selenium, and Thiamin.

32. Tuna
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items

Tuna fish is mostly eaten and is popular in western countries. It is low in calorie and fats and high in proteins. It is added to the diet list of the people who are interested in body building asit is low in fats and consist of more proteins. It also improves the immune system and strengthens your bones.

33–35: Grains

Although grains have gotten a bad rap in recent years, some types are very healthy.
Just keep in mind that they’re relatively high in carbs, so they’re not recommended for a low-carb diet.

33. Brown rice
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Brown Rice is one of the most popular cereal grains and is currently being used as a substitute for white rice. This is because it is more nutritious, consists of decent amount of fiber and has fewer calories compared to white rice. Not only this it also consists of vitamin B1 and magnesium. Brown rice is the food for more than half of the world’s population.

34. Oats
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
They are healthy and nutritious and consist of fiber in high quantities. It can help in improving the blood sugar levels can also help in lowering cholesterol. Also rich in antioxidants which includes Avenanthramides. As it consists of fewer calories it will also aid in weight loss.

35. Quinoa
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Quinoa contains nine sufficient amino acids and are one among the food items which are high in proteins. Most of the health-conscious people have started adding Quinoa in their diet in recent as it is tasty and high in nutrients, fibers, and other minerals like magnesium, potassium, calcium and phosphorous.

36–37: Bread

Many people eat a lot of highly processed white bread.
For those trying to adopt a healthier diet, it can be extremely challenging to find healthy bread. Even so, options are available.

36. Ezekiel bread
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items

Ezekiel bread helps in maintaining the body weight and sugar levels of your body. It is also easier to digest because of the presence of higher enzyme and low leptin levels. It is made up of organic, sprouted whole grain as well as several legumes.

37. Homemade low-carb bread

Overall, the best choice for bread may be that which you can make yourself. Here’s a list of 15 recipes for gluten-free, low-carb breads.

38–40: Legumes

Legumes are another food group that has been unfairly demonized.
While it’s true that legumes contain antinutrients, which can interfere with digestion and absorption of nutrients, they can be eliminated by soaking and proper preparation.
Therefore, legumes are a great plant-based source of protein.

38. Green beans
50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
It is a rich source of several minerals and vitamins. It also consist essential vitamins which also folate. Do you know one cup of green beans consist of almost 10% of the daily recommended value of folate. Green beans, also called string beans, are unripe varieties of the common bean. They are very popular in Western countries.

39. Kidney beans
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Kidney beans are an excellent and rich source of plant-based protein. They may also help in the reduction of the body weight, checks your blood sugar level to be in control and promotes colon health. But you should take the precaution of cooking it properly as they are toxic when raw.

40. Lentils

Lentils are another popular legume. They’re high in fiber and among the best sources of plant-based protein.

41–43: Dairy

For those who can tolerate them, dairy products are a healthy source of various important nutrients.
Full-fat dairy seems to be the best, and studies show that people who eat the most full-fat dairy have a lower risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes
If the dairy comes from grass-fed cows, it may be even more nutritious — as it’s higher in some bioactive fatty acids like conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and vitamin K2.

41. Cheese
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items

Cheese is incredibly nutritious, as a single slice may offer about the same amount of nutrients as an entire cup (240 ml) of milk. For many, it’s also one of the most delicious foods you can eat.

42. Whole milk
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Whole milk is very high in vitamins, minerals, quality animal protein, and healthy fats. What’s more, it’s one of the best dietary sources of calcium.

43. Yogurt
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Yogurt is made from milk that’s fermented by adding live bacteria to it. It has many of the same health effects as milk, but yogurt with live cultures has the added benefit of friendly probiotic bacteria.

44–46: Fats and oils

Many fats and oils are now marketed as health foods, including several sources of saturated fat that were previously demonized.

44. Butter from grass-fed cows

Butter from grass-fed cows is high in many important nutrients, including vitamin K2.

45. Coconut oil
50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Coconut oil contains relatively high amounts of MCTs, may aid Alzheimer’s disease, and has been shown to help you lose belly fat.

46. Extra virgin olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil is one of the healthiest vegetable oils you can find. It contains heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and is very high in antioxidants with powerful health benefits.

47–48: Tubers

Tubers are the storage organs of some plants. They tend to contain a number of beneficial nutrients.

47. Potatoes
50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Potatoes are loaded with potassium and contain a little bit of almost every nutrient you need, including vitamin C.
They’ll also keep you full for long periods. One of the study analyzed 38 foods and found that boiled potatoes
were by far the most filling

48. Sweet potatoes
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Sweet potatoes are among the most delicious starchy foods you can eat. They’re loaded with antioxidants and all sorts of healthy nutrients.

49. Apple cider vinegar
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50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Apple cider vinegar is incredibly popular in the natural health community. Studies show that it can help lower blood sugar levels and cause modest weight loss.
It’s great to use as a salad dressing or to add flavor to meals.

50. Dark chocolate
50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
50 food items for healthy life, list of food items to live healthy, healthy food items
Dark chocolate is loaded with magnesium and serves as one of the planet’s most powerful sources of antioxidants.

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