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Sunday 15 September 2019

Ten Useful Weight Loss Tips

10 Useful Weight Loss Tips That Works In Real Life

Ten Useful Weight Loss Tips, good habits for weight loss,  how to loss weight in one month, tips and tricks to loss your weight
Ten Useful Weight Loss Tips, good habits for weight loss,  how to loss weight in one month, tips and tricks to loss your weight

People who are having excess body fat in their body always wonder or keep on thinking how the people who were fat earlier were able to loose there body weight. Is there any rocket science that they should apply to be one of them. Hmm, no guys there is no such science you should apply but yes you should follow some strict weight loose tips in your day to day life. So let's start and I will tell you guys what I am following in my daily routine which has helped me to lose my body weight. 

1. Harness The Secret Power of Protein
Ten Useful Weight Loss Tips, good habits for weight loss,  how to loss weight in one month, tips and tricks to loss your weight
Ten Useful Weight Loss Tips, good habits for weight loss,  how to loss weight in one month, tips and tricks to loss your weight
Any fat person who has got his body toned will be knowing the importance of proteins in there routine. Usually, the concept of proteins comes to them who are interested in bodybuilding. But not only bodybuilding the importance of protein is known to those people who are working as a dietician.  

A study carried out by Johns Hopkins University in 2005 found that when roughly a quarter of your calories come from protein, the instances of high blood pressure, LDL (‘bad’) cholesterol, and triglycerides (fat found in the bloodstream) are all reduced when compared to a traditional higher-carb diet. Whereas on other hand diets with rich in protein can prevent obesity and osteoporosis
So what’s going on?

High-protein foods are difficult to digest, metabolize, and use, which means your body has to burn additional calories just to digest them. They also stay in our stomach for longer period of time so you feel full sooner and this reduces the intake of more calories in your body. In a published study of Nutrition Metabolism, people who wanted to lose their weight and have increased their intake of protein to 30 % then they ate 450 calories fewer in their day to day diet.

And like many successful dieters you start consuming more protein then you are burning calories as well as counting them. Protein is no doubt essential for your body as your body uses the amino acids present in the proteins for muscle strength as well as help in more calorie intake. 
If losing weight while preserving muscle is your goal, use this table to know how much protein you should aim to eat each day:

Bodyweight in LB
Bodyweight in KG
Target Protein Intake in Grams

2. Eat Slowly To Stay Fuller For Longer
Ten Useful Weight Loss Tips, good habits for weight loss,  how to loss weight in one month, tips and tricks to loss your weight
Ten Useful Weight Loss Tips, good habits for weight loss,  how to loss weight in one month, tips and tricks to loss your weight
Most might be having the bad habit of eating fast when a dish which they like the most is prepared in-home or ordered somewhere. It is not good for health as you might not digest your food completely by simply swallowing it fast. So make a habit of seeing your food while taking it from your plate to putting it in your mouth and chew slowly to completely digest your food.

As it turns out, mindful eating – paying attention to the food that’s going into your mouth – might be one of the best, but most under-utilized weight loss tips out there. There is research that shows that people who tend to eat slowly feel that they have eaten more food which makes they stop eating more even if your stomach is not fully filled. Research also suggests that people who eat slowly tend to consume fewer calories and stay fuller longer than those who eat quickly. And also the fast we have our food the lesser time we will give our stomach to digest it. You guys might be knowing of a gut hormone of our body which signals that you have not eaten enough food if you complete your food or eat fat fast then, other people.

Follow these tricks to slow down your eating pace. Always take a sip of water which will automatically help to slow down your eating pace. chew the food you take many times. This will help in the digestion of food as well as slow down your eating speed. And another tip is you should always put aside your mobile and concentrate on your food which recognizes the hunger-fighting hormones in your body.

3. Don’t Drink Your Calories
Ten Useful Weight Loss Tips, good habits for weight loss,  how to loss weight in one month, tips and tricks to loss your weight
Ten Useful Weight Loss Tips, good habits for weight loss,  how to loss weight in one month, tips and tricks to loss your weight
When anyone asks me how you have reduced your weight my first suggestion use to leave sugary drinks like soda which increases the risk of obesity, which also increases the risk of serious health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and gout. According to my knowledge, one can of regular coca-cola can contain almost 135 calories. Then if you drink three cans then the counting can go up to 400 calories. And as you al know three cans of soft drinks are common for all the young generation.

Plus, soda doesn't contain any essential vitamins or minerals as if it must and should be included in our diet. But if you like to drink soda you can replace the regular soda can with the diet soda. Diet soda is one that doesn't contain sugar at a high level. But according to me, you should try to replace the can of soda with the cup of tea, coffee or other foods with high nutritional value.

4. Do Metabolic Resistance Training to Burn Additional Calories for up to 38 Hours
Ten Useful Weight Loss Tips, good habits for weight loss,  how to loss weight in one month, tips and tricks to loss your weight
Ten Useful Weight Loss Tips, good habits for weight loss,  how to loss weight in one month, tips and tricks to loss your weight
Exercising that involves using muscular force against some form of resistance is known as metabolic Resistance Training. Now the resistance can be anything like your own body weight, elastic bands, from machines which include pulleys and hydraulics or any heavy objects such as dumbbells, logs, bar, or anything which includes weight.

The name ‘metabolic’ itself refers to performing resistance exercise with high intensity. This type of exercise very good as it helps to build your body, toning and shaping of your body, burning calories all the same time. For youngsters from ages 20 to 30 who like to reduce their weight as well as build there body this kind of exercise is very effective.

There are 3 reasons why MRT is so effective is given below:-

1. When we do this kind of MRT exercises we burn a huge amount of calories from the fat area as we do the exercises of a particular part of our body which contains excess fat. If we are trained in a fat-burning zone then we will reduce more fat from our body and also if we do exercise with the high intensity we burn more calories overall.

2. The MRT creates an 'afterburn' effect which is measured as excess post oxygen consumption(EPOC). This is nothing but the amount of oxygen consumption. It is the quantity of energy expended once the body returns to its normal state after a workout. In a study, it is said that you will be lossing or burning calories till 38 hours after a high-intensity workout.

3. It helps in building muscle which means more burning of calories. Once you start bodybuilding you need more protein as you will burn calories on a daily basis. Having more protein content will also automatically help in reducing your body weight and increase your muscle strength. It beats traditional, steady-state cardio like jogging or spending hours on the elliptical hands down.
Now, you all might be thinking what is MRT looks like in practice. For that look at the below chart which shows you probably what type of exercises it includes.


5.  Find a friend To Double Your Chances of Successfully Losing Weight
Ten Useful Weight Loss Tips, good habits for weight loss,  how to loss weight in one month, tips and tricks to loss your weight
Ten Useful Weight Loss Tips, good habits for weight loss,  how to loss weight in one month, tips and tricks to loss your weight
I think all will agree with this as everyone needs a company while doing any kind of work whether it might be in the company or else in the gym. Having a friend might increase your chances of doing more workouts. One reason for this is human behavior. Every man likes to be the first among everyone and for that, they work hard. Competition helps people to work hard and the for that same reason you should find a friend which will help you to increase your workout timings.

But if you don’t have a friend who wants to lose his weight and do workouts regularly or you don’t have time, money or for any reason, there is no gym around your place then one thing which you can do is start making friends on the social network. Make groups on facebook or else you can even start a facebook page and post your photos or videos of workouts. You can even start blogging where you can help out people who want to start workouts to lose their weight.

These two things will happen. One you will be motivated by reading the positive comments on your post and the other thing you can start a passive income by monetizing your facebook page or running ads on your website.

6. Shed Water Weight
Ten Useful Weight Loss Tips, good habits for weight loss,  how to loss weight in one month, tips and tricks to loss your weight
Ten Useful Weight Loss Tips, good habits for weight loss,  how to loss weight in one month, tips and tricks to loss your weight
Everyone knows the importance of water for there body as our body is made up of 70% of water and also all other organs of the body also consist of water for example liver contains almost 95% of water. It also helps to spreads nutrients, vitamins and other essential minerals to all the parts of the body and minimize the toxin content in the body in the form of urine. It lubricates joints, helps to digest the food you take and promotes healthy skin. It plays an essential role in every chemical reaction that takes place in your body cells.

Even the doctor recommends drinking hot water for at least three times a day which indeed helps you to reduce your body weight and also reduce bad cholesterol from your body. Actually, an experiment was conducted at the time of world war 2 by Dr. Ancel keys which consist of 36 men who were ready for the experiment of semi-starvation diet which consisted of taking 1500 calories per day for one month. The progress of the experiment started slowly but at the end of the month, there was a burst of weight loss as the water was rapidly expelled.

Now the next question which could come to your mind how much quantity of water a man should drink in one day?

Surprisingly, there is no scientific answer provided for this question until now. But you keep in mind that you should not drink water when you are thirsty. This is called the first stage of dehydration. Instead, have a sip of water whenever you remember even if you are not thirsty or make a habit of drinking three liters of water every day.

7. Track How Many Calories You Eat
Ten Useful Weight Loss Tips, good habits for weight loss,  how to loss weight in one month, tips and tricks to loss your weight
Ten Useful Weight Loss Tips, good habits for weight loss,  how to loss weight in one month, tips and tricks to loss your weight
One of the important tip provided by me to the people when they ask how you have reduced your weight  then I never forget to tell them to keep a track of the number of calories you take daily.
I am saying this because if you don’t keep an eye on the amount of calorie that you intake daily then what will happen is you will be having more calorie of food then you are actually burning it in the gym or by any physical workout that you carry out at home. Thus you will start gaining weight rather than losing it.

Then eventually what will happen is you will be demotivated by yourself and stop all the workouts you where doing earlier resulting in more gain in your weight. The calorie calculator will help you to give a rough idea of your total calorie consumption on a daily basis. Also, maintain a diary and write whatever you eat daily. This will also help in tracking calorie consumption by you.

You can also sign up with MyFitnessPal plug in your stats, where you are told to eat 2000 calories of food every day and continue it for one week. After one week if you gain weight then you can decrease your intake of food from 2000 to 1800.

8. Eat Your Green vegetables
Ten Useful Weight Loss Tips, good habits for weight loss,  how to loss weight in one month, tips and tricks to loss your weight
Ten Useful Weight Loss Tips, good habits for weight loss,  how to loss weight in one month, tips and tricks to loss your weight
Yes your mom was right when she forces you to eat green vegetables in your childhood. I am saying this because of green vegetables contains essential vitamins, proteins, and minerals that are required for the body. And also it doesn't contain a high amount of calories in it and you can eat it till you feel your stomach is full.

One more thing which green vegetables contain is fiber. It also contain anti-oxidants like phytochemicals. They also help to reduce cancer cells from the body, protect our cells DNA and stimulate enzymes that help our our mom was right:
You need to eat your vegetables.

Vegetables are jam-packed with vitamins and minerals while being low in calories. That means you can get the vitamins and minerals that are essential for the improvement and maintenance of good health without gaining weight.

Vegetables also contain antioxidants called phytochemicals. They suppress cancer development, protect our cell’s DNA and stimulate enzymes that help our body fight disease. Not only are they extremely good for you, but vegetables can also have a profound effect on your ability to lose weight.
Vegetables contain fiber, which is only found in plant foods. In addition to lowering your risk of heart disease, keeping your digestive system running smoothly, and helping to control your blood sugar levels, fiber also makes you feel fuller for longer.

That’s incredibly powerful when you’re trying to lose weight. Substituting vegetables for higher-calorie foods will keep you healthy and your cravings at bay.
On a side note: there is a distinction to be drawn between fruit and vegetables. The fruit is still incredibly healthy but is also high in sugar (which can hamper weight loss). They should still play a part in your diet, but vegetables are even more beneficial.

A good rule of thumb is to try to fill your plate with as many different colors as possible, but just in case you were wondering which vegetables are the healthiest, here are the top 10 

1.      Mustard/Collard Greens
2.      Kale
3.      Swiss Chard
4.      Watercress
5.      Bok Choy
6.      Chinese Cabbage
7.      Spinach
8.      Arugula
9.      Green leaf Lettuce
10.  Chicory

9. Sleep More To Optimize Your Hormones
Ten Useful Weight Loss Tips, good habits for weight loss,  how to loss weight in one month, tips and tricks to loss your weight
Ten Useful Weight Loss Tips, good habits for weight loss,  how to loss weight in one month, tips and tricks to loss your weight
As in one of the videos of Arianna Huffington, it is said that we are all living in a time period where all are the people are working day and night in order to live a royal life. But while doing it they are forgetting that they should have a good sleep of at least 8 hours in a day. Some of them also feel that sleeping for fewer hours could look like how busy they and are and it will be taken in pride the way by them.

But actually sleeping for less than 8 hours or if they are not feeling fresh while working then there could be chances of making wrong decisions. If it could have stopped till that point only then it could not be ok as wrong decisions can be corrected but it also affects your health conditions like it can increase your stress and increase the risk of depression and can also, help you gain some weight as sleep loss is linked to changes in appetite and metabolism of glucose. To say in short studies have been associated with reduction of weight.

Here are some tips which you can follow to get sleep in night in today's life as it could be difficult for us due to a lot of stress and tension
  • Set aside enough time to get 7-9 hours of sleep a night.
  • Avoid consuming caffeine, cigarettes and other stimulants late in a day. A lot of people including me find that any caffeine afternoon is a problem. 
  • Keep a good habit of going to bed at 10:00 pm and wake up in the morning at 6:00 am
  • All the people who are having a lot of tension might be having a habit of drinking in the evening for proper sleep. But this is not the remedy guys as drinking alcohol in the evening might first make you feel sleepy but it screws up the rhythm which leads to worse sleep.
  • Do all your workouts in the early morning and not close to bedtime.
  • Actively address relaxation. Turn off your computer, TV, cell phones, and any other devices with a screen at least an hour before bed.

10. Set Yourself up for Success by Cooking & Preparing Your Own Food

It’s as simple as that. When you prepare your food then you can keep track of what kind of food you are eating. But all the people cannot follow this as all the people cannot prepare food or else don’t have enough time for preparing food. The housewife can follow this as they will be cooking food at home.

But not that all working people cannot follow this tip of losing weight. Yes, it is right that when you come from your workplace to home and you are hungry then there is no point saying that cook your food by yourself as you will try and could like to eat whatever is in front of you. One solution to this problem is to cook your food on Sunday in bulk which can be stored in the fridge for at least 2-3 days. Now you should have will power of learning food if you don’t know it in order lose your weight.

To say in short:
If you’re not preparing your meals, you’re setting yourself up to fail.

But done right, you only have to do it once or twice a week. And the more you do it, the easier it gets.
1.     Whenever you have time for preparing food to prepare it in bulk. Put all your Four Burners of the stove on and cook your food. This is because you can save your time.
2.      Then, put store it in containers in the portion in the upper self. This will help you to save time and is ready to go during working days.
 3.      Prepare the meals that last for two to three days in the fridge. And store all other food in the freezer.

Now you all might be wondering what to cook?

Go through metabolic cooking which is one of the largest collection of “travel strong recipes” recipes out there. It is the collection of 250 recipes. I could always like to be the owner of that rare resource when I first started my weight loss journey.

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